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Die Ilses Erika Sommerbühne mit Arik Dov und Malo.

05.08.2021 // 19:30 Uhr

Eintritt frei, der Hut geht rum.
Unser Herzensmensch ist mal wieder auf der Sommerbühne. Wenn Sympathie und Können in eine Person verschmelzen, ergibt das Arik Dov. Begleitet wird er von seinem Buddy "Malo" am Kontrabass.
Hier noch ein paar Worte for the internationals:
Playing heartfelt and sentimental indie-folk, enriched by his gentle yet powerful vocals and thoughtful lyrics, Arik Dov carries on the folk tradition of the greats that walked before him. With a prolific catalogue of over 300 songs, Arik has been releasing his music since 2015, with 3 full-length albums and 2 EPs, including his sold-out show and first live album, Live at Horns Erben, Leipzig (3/16/19).
As Arik began to gain the attention of his audience all over Europe, he began to expand and rethink the traditional folk music he was raised on, with the help of German experimental bassist, artist and producer, Martin “Malo” Riebel, harnessing a more dynamic and orchestral approach to his music. A voice reminiscent of Yusuf / Cat Stevens, and lyrics similar to that of the The Avett Brothers, Arik’s music is merely an autobiographical depiction of his moments in time, songs of love, loss, hope, and everything in between.

Ort: Biergarten des Tanzcafé Ilses Erika

